Florence: Entrance Ticket to Pitti Palace

USD 24



Breeze past the queues and indulge in a hassle-free visit to one of Florence's most iconic museums. You'll have the privilege of discovering the unparalleled beauty of the Palatine Gallery, featuring an impressive collection of Renaissance art, as well as the Gallery of Modern Art, showcasing an array of stunning works from the 18th century to the present day.

Unlock the secrets of Florence's iconic Pitti Palace with your priority ticket, granting you unparalleled access to the majestic Palatine Gallery and the stunning Gallery of Modern Art. Be mesmerized by the palace's treasure trove of historical collections, including the awe-inspiring Treasury of the Grand Dukes and the Medici Collection. Dating back to 1457, the original palazzo was commissioned by the affluent Pitti family, with the renowned architect Filippo Brunelleschi bringing his vision to life. Today, this Renaissance masterpiece showcases an extraordinary assembly of artistic masterpieces. As you wander through the palace, marvel at the impressive art collection amassed by the powerful Medici dynasty during their reign. Feast your eyes on iconic works by legendary artists such as Raphael, Caravaggio, Titian, Pietro da Cortona, and Rubens. Take a moment to appreciate the breathtaking views of Brunelleschi's Santo Spirito Basilica and the picturesque Boboli Gardens from the palace windows. During your visit, delve into the rich cultural heritage of Florence by exploring two of the city's most esteemed museums, conveniently located within the palace. The Palatine Gallery, situated on the first floor, boasts an impressive array of 16th- and 17th-century paintings, while the Royal Apartments feature exquisite furnishings from a 19th-century renovation. On the second floor, the Gallery of Modern Art awaits, showcasing an exquisite collection of Italian paintings and sculptures created between the late 18th century and World War I. As you stroll through the elegant rooms, once inhabited by the Lorraine grand dukes, admire the neo-classical and romantic period decorations that adorn the walls.